Welcome to Indie Twenty: Grand Opening
Hello! And welcome, I'm SO happy you've made your way here!
I just began my latest journey and I am beyond excited to share it with you. If you've been with me for some time, you'll know that I've been at this thing since February 2014 when I declared as a business BUT I played it safe; it wasn't until May 2018 that I really dove in and began my FULL TIME pursuit for growth of Indie Twenty.
This Spring, I had my official ribbon cutting and grand opening party in the Village of Hamburg. If you took the time to stop by, Thank You!
I'm already so in love with doing my thing full time. For as much work as it is, its also so freeing! I am beyond excited to be bringing my style to the village as the only Bohemian Accessories Boutique with handmade jewelry around.
Can you feel the excitement!?
Rubbing elbows and showing off my store
One of my favorite things about having a physical storefront now is that people know exactly where to find me.
All photos by Hannah Kathleen Photography